Tertiary concessions

25% discount for eligible full-time tertiary students

If you’re an eligible full-time tertiary student you will receive a 25% discount off adult Snapper fares. Concession eligibility is set and managed by your Tertiary Education Organisation, if you have any queries around eligibility please get in touch with them directly. To receive this discount when you pay with Snapper, you’ll need to apply for a tertiary concession on your Snapper card.

The tertiary concession is available on all Metlink* buses and trains except:

  • School buses

*Please note this concession will work on Metlink buses only. It is not available on independent commercial services. For fares and discounts on these services you will need to contact your service provider.

Apply for a Tertiary concession here

Who can get a tertiary concession?

To be eligible for a tertiary concession, Metlink require that you are enrolled in an approved course at a tertiary education provider authorised by Greater Wellington Regional Council to issue tertiary student concessions.

A tertiary student of an approved tertiary education provider must either:

  • be a full-time student who attends a tertiary education course that is at least 12 weeks long and meets the minimum full-time Equivalent Full-Time Student (EFTS) value, or
  • be a Limited Full-Time Student of the tertiary education provider who the Ministry of Social Development records as “Limited Full-Time”.

A list of Metlink approved tertiary education providers can be found here.

Applying for a tertiary concession

Metlink will work with approved tertiary education providers to contact students via email to explain how to get the tertiary concession online. If you do not receive an email then you will be able to apply for a tertiary concession online.

Using a tertiary concession

Make sure you have your Student ID with you. Then just tag on and off the Snapper card readers as normal. To show that the discounted fare has been applied, the readers will beep twice and display “Tertiary”.

Concession expiry

Once your concession application has been approved you will receive an email with the concession expiry date designated by your tertiary provider. Your concession will remain valid as long as you meet the Metlink eligibility conditions for your Tertiary concession. You will receive notice via email in advance of any changes made to your concession.