Snapper News iOS app available now

iOS app available now

From 10 am today, Wellingtonians with iPhone 7/iOS 13 and above will be able to instantly top up and check the balance on their Snapper cards – anywhere, any time. 

Apple’s iOS13 update has enabled Snapper and Metlink to launch the much-requested Snapper iOS app, the perfect companion for Snapper cards. Apple users with iPhone 7/iOS 13 and above can sign in to their existing Snapper account, then scan a Snapper card to instantly top up, check a card balance and more. 

Sign in to your existing Snapper account, then follow instructions to scan a Snapper card by holding it flat to the phone. Once scanned, you can use the app to: 

  • check a Snapper card balance 
  • top up a Snapper card (minimum top-up of $1) 
  • view transaction history 
  • view current concessions 
  • view any passes on the Snapper card 
  • save your payment details 
  • collect any travel refunds. 

This is the first release of the Snapper iPhone app with more features to come in future releases. 

Available in the App Store from 10 am.

Not an iPhone user? We’ve got an Android app as well. Download it now